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Two successes, two not so much…

November 3, 2010

Here’s a typical example of the outcome of a day of outreach at Petsmart. It looks like only two of the four dogs who got adoption applications on Saturday will result in adoptions. The people who applied for our beautiful dancing Malamute, Kenai, left our outreach and adopted another Malamute later that day… :o (

My beautiful foster Pit bull, Tawnee, is going to a home with a really nice guy and his 12 year old Doberman. He is clearly a ‘dog person’, and I know he’ll adore her like I do. She’s such a sweet girl!

Vince, a ittle cutie who came to us after being hit by a car and having his hip fractured, is finally, after more than a year in his foster home, going to a new home…that is, as long as he doesn’t chase the two cats in the home! Fingers crossed.

No return call from the applicant for Elwood  :o ( .

So what is our lesson? This is why we send people home to think about whether they are ready for the commitment of adopting this dog. Bloody hell! Can you imagine if these people adopted one of our dogs and then got home and started having “buyers remorse” and regretting their decision? This would be very, very bad…