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5 New Orphaned Chihuahua puppies at Indigo Rescue!

March 22, 2012

Actually, we think they may be Chi and Pug. Their little tails curl over just like a Pug and one of them is Pug colored. We think they are about four weeks old and they weigh about 1.5lbs each. They were pretty sad, until they realized they have a pretty nice crib, toys, and I’m their new mama, since I’m bringing in the meals five times a day. Waaahoo! They’re growing fast and getting more active already!

The story is: A woman brought them to the county shelter at the end of the day and said she found them under her porch at her rural home, and didn’t know who the mom was. The staff told her she needed to show them her ID so she went out to her car to get it and, here’s a surprise — she didn’t come back!! Can you say LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE??? I feel really badly for the poor mama, out there wondering where her babies are.

Here’s a video of them on their second day. Just starting to feel spunky!

And here are their individual pics. The shelter was nice enough to identify them for us with color coded collars. There are four females and one fawn colored male.

Here’s a pic of them in a classic ‘Pile o’ Puppies’ pose. They have a cushy bedroom in their crate, but on the first day, they wanted to sleep outside the den between the den and the x-pen…silly puppies.