Our little babies are growing up, right before our eyes. We blinked and their legs grew two inches! Here are a few new videos and also, they are now posted on our Petfinder site with their own little profiles. Enjoy, sniff, sniff, because they’ll be getting spayed/neutered and adopted soon.

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The most exciting news for Trailer the kitty!!
Remember Trailer, the kitty who came across the country from the East Coast trapped in a furniture trailer for 26 days without food or water? (Trailer was formerly called Transit). Trailer is a young feral cat who we determined is FIV positive, and if you can imagine, blind! The poor guy!
Here’s a pic of Trailer on his first day, receiving fluid therapy:
It took more than six months for Trailer to emerge from under the bed and allow me to see him, but he wouldn’t let me near him. Another four months and he started rubbing against my leg when I put food down. Last month, he allowed me to pet him on his head, scratch behind his ears, and eventually down to his tail. He made HUGE progress! Here’s a pic of Trailer hanging out with Houdini, who is also blind and has FIV, and was really helpful in bringing Trailer out of his shell:
I’d been watching him move and trying to get a good look at his eyes, and I couldn’t help thinking that maybe he wasn’t actually blind, but instead, he may have something else wrong with his eyes. It looked more like the opening to his eyes was very small and it was as if he was looking through peep holes. That’s when it hit me…Entropion! Entropion is a condition where the eyelid is inverted and the lashes scrape against the eye and cause irritation and crud to build up. I started feeling more sure every day that Trailer had Entropion in both eyes. That meant if I could get him in for surgery, it could probably be corrected….but…getting him to the clinic for surgery, and beforehand for a diagnostic exam was going to be really sketchy.
The most exciting news is that yesterday, Wednesday April 11th, 2012, I was able to get Trailer into a crate without incident, and get him to the vet clinic for surgery! Dr Mark was able to give Trailer a quick exam while I held him down. He had surgery later that morning and sure enough, Trailer had Entropion in BOTH eyes! Dr Mark was able to fix both eyes and soon, Trailer will be able to look through open eyes that aren’t little peep holes! It’s hard to tell from the pictures because his eyes are swollen, but Dr Mark felt really good about the correction. In 10-14 days he’ll get the stitches removed and I’ll send updated photos.
It makes me sooooo happy to tell you that TRAILER’S EYES ARE FIXED!
Things are literally ‘looking up’ for this poor little guy who survived some really poor odds.
Here are some pre and post surgery pics. YAY!
Pre Surgery:
Puppy Entertainment is CHEAP!
The girls wrestle and play tug-o-war with a puff toy, while little Biscotti (boy puppy) whines and begs for me to pick him up! Second vaccine booster later this week.
In this one, Moon Pie is definitely the winner!!